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Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Glimpse of Spring!

We interrupt our regular programming (namely day 2 of a winter snowstorm which I had planned to post) to bring you signs of spring!
This week we've had the most glorious foretaste of the approaching change of season, with bright sunshine, blue skies and temperatures reaching into the 50's (approx. 12ºC). The chill wind persists, but how refreshing it feels to stroll outside with fewer layers of clothing and breathe the warmer air. I can't wait to be able to open the doors and windows to let the fresh air into the house!

A Glimpse of Spring!
Look what I found in the garden yesterday - the first snowdrops opening their tiny blooms! What a wonderful surprise!

A Glimpse of Spring!
If you look very carefully you'll see them close to the wall behind Tink...hardly noticeable unless you're really looking for them. I wasn't expecting to see them yet. They're about a week earlier than last year. A few more are hidden behind the the circular wire rose covers. We'll be taking those off soon to let the roses see the light of day.

A Glimpse of Spring!
This is what I went out to photograph...daffodil shoots!

A Glimpse of Spring!
Another sure sign of spring is the cats coming out of the barn to warm up in the sunshine. Tink was enjoying a good sunbake in the garden.  A Glimpse of Spring!

A Glimpse of Spring!
And Jodi (Bloomingwriter), guess what I saw at the feeders yesterday morning and again this morning? Yes, they're here...the red-winged blackbirds! We know spring is near when these beauties arrive, don't we?

A Glimpse of Spring!
A bluejay startles the redwing and gives hubby and I a chuckle.

A Glimpse of Spring!
Lately Mr. Cardinal comes more often for his share of the seed,

A Glimpse of Spring!
and Mrs. C has been around more too.
We never cease to be thrilled by their brilliant colors.

A Glimpse of Spring!
We're seeing the wild turkeys feeding early in the mornings in the fields across the road, cleaning up the left over corn and scratching in the hedgerow. A Glimpse of Spring!

A Glimpse of Spring!
The males are strutting and displaying, fanning their tail feathers for the ladies' affections. 

A Glimpse of Spring!
There are over 30 turkeys in this group, which is one of several.

A Glimpse of Spring!
A starling sits in the budding Silver Maple in the early morning sunshine.

A Glimpse of Spring!
Hannah is trying to avoid walking on the snow. As you can see, there's still plenty of snow left on the ground, but we've had considerable melting these past few days. A Glimpse of Spring! 

A Glimpse of Spring!
Sheba goes exploring over the bank...

A Glimpse of Spring!
We've hardly seen Peige out of the barn all winter.

A Glimpse of Spring!
Phoebe hasn't ventured out much either, but today most of the barn cats were down near the house, enjoying some exercise.

A Glimpse of Spring!
It won't be long until the goldfinches change to their bright summer finery. A Glimpse of Spring!

A Glimpse of Spring!
They've made quite a mess on top of the feeder. Looks like I have some spring cleaning to do!

A Glimpse of Spring! 
I definitely see the yellow looking a little brighter on this pretty boy.

A Glimpse of Spring!
Busy little nuthatch visits the seed and suet feeders regularly. There are a pair but I rarely see them together.

A Glimpse of Spring!
Chickadees like the suet too.

A Glimpse of Spring!
Sandy of Four Winds Photo Journal, I've been trying to capture the iridescent colors of the starlings again ever since you mentioned it, and do you think I can? No! Here they are in the afternoon sunshine which is the best time to capture the colors...but I couldn't do it! I'll keep trying :) A Glimpse of Spring!

A Glimpse of Spring!
Doesn't a sunny bouquet of daffodils gladden the heart?

It's not quite here yet, but it sure feels like spring here in upstate NY this week! I hope all you snowbound northerners are feeling sunshine on your shoulders too! 

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